Monthly lesson fees (school year) Single lesson fees (summer/trial) 30 min lessons: $198.00 a month 30min: $55.00 45 min lessons: $270.00 a month 45min: $75.00 60 min lessons: $342.00 a month 60min: $95.00
Tuition: This agreement is for a one year period. Tuition has to be paid monthly. The monthly tuition is based on the fee for 36 lessons to be given in a ten month time frame between September 3, 2024 and June 16, 2025. (Formula is: single lesson fee times 36, divided by 10). Tuition is due the first day of EACH of the 10 months beginning September 1, 2024 and continuing through June 1, 2025. All 36 lessons will be taught by the end of the third week of June 2025. Full tuition is due every month.
30 minute lessons are only offered to students grades K-2. Payment is accepted by cash, check or Venmo. If you join my studio midyear, the monthly fee will be prorated accordingly.
If you would like to receive the complete 2024-25 studio policy, please send me an email.